Spent Sunflowers Mark the End of Summer
The sunflowers are spent. Since the bloom of the last post, they have drooped and withered. The seeds are ready for harvest. These are...

The Sunflowers Bloom in August
Sunflowers shout the last hurrah of summer. They bloom along the garden paths in the local park. The giants are 15 feet high with...

More Development, Development Everywhere (4)
The machines are still working the ground, digging, pushing, and covering. The natural ravine along the road is gone. Day to day, it's...

More Development, Development Everywhere (3)
Machines and material are moving into the clearing to lay the foundations for the new development. Presumably, it's going to be housing,...

More Development, Development Everywhere (2)
Interstates and bypasses circle cities around America, and eventually development moves outside the last circle into the heartland. ...

Summer 2021: Trees In the Woods (2)
Tree bark and kudzu turn golden brown in the late afternoon sunlight. The trees are full of kudzu. Sometimes there is more kudzu than...

Summer 2021: Trees In the Woods
It's summer and the trees in the woods are thriving. Walls of trees line the edge of the forest. Single trees make their own statement....

Spring 2021: Pathways Through the Woods
There are winding trails through the woods all around the city. The trails are mostly dirt, but in some places there is gravel to keep...

Spring 2021: A Walk Along The Creek (2)
There is always something new along the creek. Trees fall and erode, hedges thicken and thin, rocks appear from no where, and the light...

Spring 2021: A Walk Along The Creek (1)
Moores creek runs along the Rivanna Trail. In the spring you can still get down to the creek, but, by summer, the kudzu and bushes are...